I love Pop Tarts!
This game had instant appeal. It was about Pop Tarts!
Cookies 'n' cream is the best flavour.
The game was great fun, nice mouse control system, I approve.
I love Pop Tarts!
This game had instant appeal. It was about Pop Tarts!
Cookies 'n' cream is the best flavour.
The game was great fun, nice mouse control system, I approve.
Poptarts are rather tastey, arn't they.
Thanks for the good review dude.
Wow! this suprised me!
I really enjoyed it! perhaps not as much as KirbyKirbyKirby 2, but I was totally suprised by how much there was in there. Like, the item shop! there was loads of items on sale! I thought the music loops were very clever, and I liked the battles. I chose full strength and power instead of any 'zip' or the other one. So the battles didn't last long! hehe ^.^ I bought a plastic sword in the little shop which turned out to be really cool.
I was kind of hoping you'd write me a review. Yes, all items except the "Mystery Item" (just a gag, but I as actually thinking about making it an actual item) are equipable and usable (some even have multiple uses). Quite a chore to get all those working.
Yeah, the most you can hope for with a high MUSCLE is to hit the enemy with a lot of damage and rely on the extra HPs instead of Dodge.
Thanks for writing.
Not Bad!
I liked it! but, it the puzzles were a little simple at times. The first boss was the hardest! they just got easier and easier! Felt a lot like Pico though, so keep it up. for the second, make it longer, harder, more bosses and enemies and more complicated puzzles!
will do! thanks you guys, your like my fav animators on NG, but anywho, yeah, i did my BEST to try to balance the bosses.