We made a new game! :)
This was one we made in the space of a day
-whilst taking a break from James the Super Zebra.
-Dim & Tom
Posted by The-Super-Flash-Bros - September 6th, 2009
We made a new game! :)
This was one we made in the space of a day
-whilst taking a break from James the Super Zebra.
-Dim & Tom
depth perfection is frustrating on this paperboy game. you cant really see when the building ends. so I often hit the buildings when I thought I would ride behind them.
depth perception* lol not perfection
Hey guys when are ya planing to bring that forum back on its feet? miss spaming it and being no 1 poster hah
Yeah, it was a bit annoying that you couldn't tell when the collision detection's gonna kick in. Not to mention the fact you can't turn 180 degrees. Especially on that bridge at the top right. Maybe if you restricted movement to a grid as opposed to every pixel so you get a better idea of when we're not just a pixel away from death.
Looks like it wasn't that great.
that was a pretty cute game. :)
can't wait for jame the super zebra though... :D
Sounds would be a great game The Super Flash B,I'll definitely play this game if I have enough time.