nice business cards
nice business cards
Woah, Dim did an impressive job with the business cards. Well off to go play Creekwood!
Oh Jesus, I just discovered you two were actually brothers. I feel dumb as hell.
Sweet cards, hope to see you at Comic-Con!
Spiffy cards. Rather professional. Have fun at Comic Con.
Awesome! i can't wait to see you there.
Are you going to make a flash anytime soon (not a game)?
Hey Dim/Tom,
Yeah I'll be at CC again this year. I probably see you around at the NG booth or something.
To Tom: When's the forum going to be fixed? Seriously, just upgrade to phpBB 3 and then things will be a LOT easier.
lovely color palette.
I tried to sort out some myself, but the company I went to was useless and never got back to me before I left...
Damn, those are nice! I'm gonna have to get myself to Comic Con at some point...
Ya know I always get real hungry playing most of your games. Every game featuring blue rabbit or red rabbit makes me think of eatin' rabbit. Then for the Zebra - the black and white reminds me of cows which in turn reminds me of beef which also makes me hungry.
I am an odd person am I?
lol... what movie was that.. did you guys dub it ^o)
oh and it says on the superflashbros age that your 23 what is the individual age of the both of you ^o)
Nice cards, very professional! Are you just gonna give them to fans or somthing???
Also, some really good games aswell, the use of 3d in freefall is inspiring :)
i've seen that buissiness card movie its awesome!!
Dude which of you guys are older?
I wish you could have finished TSAH3
I feel sad.....
what happened to tsah3 i haven't heard ant news of it for a while?
Blue Rabbit's FreeFall is awesome and underrated.
I can't wait to see you guys at Comic Con. It will pwn.
Those are some fine looking cards in that pic, too. I wish I had one!
...also first post? =P